It’s been silent here on Teachers Have Lives this week.  I’ve been freaking out over the looming summer and getting all my lessons taught in what little time we have left.  I only get 2 more weeks with my kids!   I’ve been focusing on school stuffs and finishing up my BTSA stuff for a clear Cali credential.  This means staying in my classroom from morning till eve and no chances to escape for outfit shots.

On another note, I’ve also been cleaning out my closet.  It’s been difficult to do, due to “I swear I’ll wear that again, someday” type of thinking and “but I paid a lot for it!” remorse.  With every item, i have to remind myself that 1) the less I move, the less it will cost me to move it, 2) B and I will be sharing our ONE closet in Brooklyn and 3) I haven’t worn the dress/shoes/jeans/top in well over one, two years even.   Sigh.  I went to Crossroads yesterday and sold 2 shopping bags worth of cute dresses and tops.  21 things sold…for a whopping $103.  Booooo.  One dress alone cost me $100 when I bought it.  Hella Booooo. Oh well, like B said, those dresses weren’t making me any money sitting in a closet.  Shucks.

So I’m streamlining.  And while I’m at it, I’ve decided I need to change my look and start sticking to streamlined basics.  Some photos for inspiration…

Photos from here and here, two blogs that I’ve been style stalking for a while.

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