We’re well into the famed October slump,  the one where teachers look tired, worn out and defeated because they are tired, feeling defeated and worn down.  In the words of Jim Furman (colleague from last year), it looked like we teachers were “on the good ship lollipop” at the start of the year, but now we’re all frowns.

I’m happy to report that this has been one of the mildest slumps I’ve had in 7 years.  I’ve had a few hiccups here and there with a few bad days, but all in all, things are awesome this year.  Not only, that, I feel like I have a better work/life this year which is HUGE for me.  That alone keeps the angry/bitter/jaded monster at bay.  Achievement #1 for the year unlocked!  Now I need to work on actually doing more cool things with that time.

These photos are from a week ago, right before the weather here in Denver turned frigid.  Anything below 60˚ is frigid to me.  Everything is old, loved, and from Madewell.

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october slump

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