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16 thoughts on “Where To Find Me

  1. I think you may be a little strict on the kids… maybe you should see how hard a student works by observing while you teach them. However, I wish my teachers would allow for revision. Sincerly, a 12th grade student in Canada


  2. Wow, I think you are insanely fabulous.

    I’m starting my 2nd year of teaching in South Dakota, and we’re transitioning into Standards-based grading; I SO relate to the struggles you seem to be having with the standards-based grading practice – I also allow for revisions and accept work (w/o penalty) up until reports are due. To me, it seems like you’re doing everything right…I truly believe in keeping standards high and students will rise to them (even if it takes a while). With the possibility of revisions with specific feedback and rubrics, there really isn’t a great student argument for unfair grades.

    Keep doing what you’re doing – you are an inspiration to me (and I love your outfits!!)!


  3. I’m new to your blog and I’m just now reading through all your posts. I, too, am high school biology teacher though quite a bit older than you. And yet, I love your fashion sense and hope when I attempt to ‘copy’ some of your fashion, my students (all-girls) won’t think I’m trying to look like them! You keep posting and I’ll keep reading! Thanks!


    1. thanks for reading Sharon! my style has changed a lot over the last few years, mostly due to teenager influence (though they may not realize it). They inspire, then I try and ‘old it up’ a bit!


  4. Are you interested in a guest posting partnership? I’d love to speak with you if you’re willing!


  5. I’m a teaching credential student and just love your blog right now. I was looking for teacher outfit inspiration on pinterest and I came across your teacherhavelives. I’m just starting student teaching at a new high school (I’m from San Diego) and feel a bit anxious about the “first day of school” … your outfits are amazing, you make it look easy!

    Thanks for your help!


  6. Versatile, functional, and still adorable outfits (also a Madewell fan here)! Thank you for blogging your style.

    On a more emotional note, your challenges mirror my HS school’s science teacher’s, as well as my own. I am also a HS teacher and everything you posted on your most recent entry completely resonated all that we went through last year and are still going through now. Uniforms? An uphill battle. Cell phones? Glued to their hands. Low grades? Apathy or misdirected anger. I just wanted to encourage you to keep persevering in teaching them, even when it seems like your hard work seems to be overlooked. I truly hope the year turns out smoother with the classes and stabilized with your curriculum. Hang in there! 🙂


  7. Hi,
    My name is Charity and I am special education teacher here in Denver. For the past four years I have worked in elementary schools and starting this fall I am moving up to the high school arena. I found your blog tonight on Pinterest looking for high school teacher outfits. I started reading your blog and I was almost in tears while reading the posts from last fall. I felt several of the same hardships you felt last fall. Please don’t stop writing!! I have tried reading other teaching blogs but I am so frustrated by all of their perfect lesson plans. Your writing shows the good and the bad of teaching. And I love your outfits! Happy summer!


  8. Hey Erika!

    My name is Tara and I am a 2nd year university student studying Primary (called Elementary in America) Education in Brisbane, Australia! I actually stumbled onto this blog looking for outfits to wear as a teacher hehehe, and I would just like to say thank you and that you’re freakin’ amazing!! I have been following this blog for about a year now and you’ve opened up your world to your readers as a first hand look of what life is like being a teacher. For me, this blog has given me some tips and tricks to use within my pedagogy as a future teacher, and I absolutely love all the stories you’ve told and the clothes you post. 🙂

    Keep doing what you’re doing!

    Liked by 1 person

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