A Mild December

One week ’till Winter break!  It’s been surreal though – we’re quickly approaching fall final exams, and it’s still 63˚F outside. It’s been a mild December. I’m still fall dressing, and my winter boots are still stored away. Except for that one freak weekend near the end of November, Denver has been darn pleasant! It’s still “no-socks” weather, so I’ve been wearing the crap out of these leopard print slides and cropped jeans. To winter-ize, I painted my nails last night with a holiday theme using nail art pens that B bought me years ago for Christmas. Also, I’ve been digging my new coffee thermos B bought me for a recent Sinterklaas party our Dutch/American friends hosted. It’s kind of the best coffee thermos ever, and if there is ever a stereotype about teachers, it’s that they drink a lot of coffee. I am one of those people.

These jeans are a new purchase from black friday when Urban Outfitters was having a buy one get one half off promotion. They are worth every penny though, because I’ve been wearing them over and over. I usually wear my denim about 3-4 times in between washes, and these are thick without stretch. So they hold up really well wear after wear without getting too baggy in the knees or the bum. Also, I’ve been digging looser fitting jeans with straight leg cuts lately. Maybe it’s getting older, or maybe it’s the changing denim trend, but I’m slowly getting off the skinny jeans train. Maybe this cut isn’t the most flattering or curve hugging, but I love the high waist (long torso/short leg strategy) and the little flare at the hem. My only complaint about these jeans is that they can cause a bit of cowboy crotch, and that they are just a tad bit too cropped. Either way, I’ve decided I’m over being weird about the crotch region with my pants. It’s just how my body is built, and its ridiculous to expect anything else.

THLT kent cardigan

THLT madewell kent cardigan

THLT Zojirushi coffee mug

THLT BDG kick flare jeans

THLT madewell cardigan

THLT HEMA soft matt lip balm

THLT urban outfitters kick flare jeans

cardigan: madewell – jeans – bdg – tshirt: f21 – belt: gap – shoes: banana republic – lipstick: hema (purchased in paris) – thermos: zojirushi

nailing the nails.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything for a number of reasons I won’t go into yet.  But here are some nails I’ve been banging out lately.

As you can see, I’m never perfect with nails, and it’s a constant battle to try and keep them from getting all messed up while waiting for them to dry.  I enjoy the process more than the end product.  I pin nail art, peruse for inspiration and get working.  Inspiration for some of of these designs came from here, here, here and here.


Blue Flowers

The back is still getting better, kids have been calling me grandma for the past 3 days.  I’ve been wearing the don’t-even-have-to-think-in-the-morning black pants/sweater combo for the past couple of days, so I decided to break out the prints today.  I bought this dress a couple summers ago when I was in Perth for a few weeks.  I still love it and in fact I picked up the old school saddle shoes a while ago to wear with this dress specifically.

These photos were snapped during lunch time.  I was on the lookout for kids.  By the way, my health class noticed how my nails matched my dress today.  A happy coincidence.

glasses: warby parker – cardigan, shirt (layered for the cold SF weather) and bag: j.crew – dress:hello by karen walker – belt/sash: taken from another shirt, F21 – tights: h&m – shoes: bass – watch: marc by marc jacobs

a few things

I got a Fitbit last thursday!  A Fitbit is basically a glorified pedometer that tracks steps and flights of stairs all day with the aim to have at least 10,000 steps a day.  B got one a few months ago and loved it, so I started getting curious about my steps as well.  Now I’m getting competitive. 13,046 steps yesterday while snowboarding.  13,645 today (and there are still more to come).  I’m kicking butt.  The average American gets in about 5,000 steps a day, so I’m ahead of the game.  yay.  13,645 steps for me = my average day teaching + taking bambi on a  2.5 mile walk.

After the long walk, and planning my lessons for tomorrow, it was nail art time.  I followed this tutorial, I loved the pattern and my new bronze nail polish by Milani.

I love this new polish.  Also used last friday when Aimee and I unwound from the week watching movies and “getting our nails did” (like the kids say).

And lastly, I went browsing at the mall the other day and picked up this dress at Forever 31 (that’s what I’m calling it now a days since “I’m 10 years too old to be shopping there”– a witty student from health class).  Cute, no?

outfit stealing

I was browsing my usual blogs yesterday and came across this post from Calivintage (who got it from this post by, Milk Teeths).  I immediately pinned this look to my pinterest board for “looks I love”.  I already have high waisted blue pants!  So I stole the outfit idea and recreated it with what I already had in my closet.

By the way, these H&M Divided pants are the most comfortable pants ever.  It’s like wearing pajamas to work!  It was lunchtime, and I treated myself to a coffee ice cream bar.

glasses: bonlook – cardigan and pants: H&M – blouse: UO (from 2006!) – shoes: Target – bag and belt: J.Crew

A couple nights ago I painted sock monkey faces onto my nails.  Cute right?

Crowns, crumpets and Jason.

One thing I dislike about being a responsible adult is scheduling.  It evolved slowly.  double bookings here and there, missed deadlines occasionally.  Then it started snowballing and I realized I had to start scheduling everything.  What’s even harder than maintaining my own schedule is trying to match it with two other schedules, Devon’s and Marisa’s.  We manage to do it though, averaging one chick date a month.

This month, our chick date was for afternoon tea at Crown and Crumpet. Super cute, super girlie and just the thing to revive me from last night’s Glass Candy show.  Tea, scones, crumpets, and sandwiches with no crusts really does wonders.  We got temporary tattoos with our tea.  =)

I lucked out and scored a Jason Wu for Target dress last week.  It must have been a return because the day it debuted, both SF area Targets sold out.  I saw it randomly when I stopped in for nail polish and promptly snatched it up.  This also meant I had to give myself a matching manicure.  The pink dress was perfect for tea and a sunny brisk SF day.

the chicks, Devon and Marisa.

<– weird stretched arm self shot trying to get in my earrings.

dress: Jason Wu for Target – cardigan, bag and tights: J.Crew – booties: Steve Madden – earrings: gift from B’s mum – sunnies: old Anthropologie